研究兴趣: 金融结构与经济增长、健康保险精算、融资租赁经营管理、数字国防金融
(1)指导学生毕业论文获江苏省本科优秀毕业设计, 2019;太阳集团tyc539本科优秀毕业设计,2020/2019/2018/2017/2015。
(3)Zhang Y.*, Yao D. & Zhang C. Bank loan versus financial lease: how do traditional and innovative approaches within the banking sector influence economic growth? A comparative analysis between the US and China, Applied Economics, 2020. (SSCI)
(4)Zhang Y., Xu J.* & Zhai L. Are there bubbles in the defence sector of China's stock market (2005–2016)? New evidence from sequential ADF tests, Defence and Peace Economics, 2020. (SSCI)
(5)Zhang Y.*, Zhai L. & Sun H. Does the level of financial leasing matter in the impact of bank lending on economic growth: Evidence from the global market (2006-2016), Finance Research Letters, 2019. (SSCI)
(6)Zhang Y.*, Vanneste J., Xu J. & Liu X. Critical Illness Insurance to alleviate catastrophic health expenditures: New evidence from China. International Journal of Health Economics and Management, 2019. (SSCI)
(7)Zhang Y.*, Su A., Liu X. & Zhang Y. Social health insurance vs private health insurance in China: Revisit crowd‐out effect based on a multiple mediation analysis, The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2019. (SSCI)
(8)Zhang Y., Wang R.* & Yao D. Does defence expenditure have a spillover effect on income inequality? A cross-region alanalysis in China, Defence and Peace Economics, 2017. (SSCI)
(9)Zhang Y.*, Liu X., Xu J. & Wang R. Does military spending promote social welfare? A comparative analysis of the BRICS and G7 Countries, Defence and Peace Economics, 2016. (SSCI)
(10)Zhang Y.*, Liu X., Ding Y. & Su, A. Assessing the impact of the demographic dividend on real estate prices: Empirical evidence from China, Applied Economics Letters, 2015. (SSCI)
(4)江苏省社会科学基金重点项目, 2019至今。
(14)APRIA Awards, World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress, Munich, 2015.
(1)担任Applied Economics, House Studies, Review of Policy Research等SSCI期刊匿名评审。
Ying Zhang (Sara) is a professor in the Finance department at Southeast University's School of Economics and Management. Dr. Zhang's research interest focuses on financial structure and economic growth, health insurance actuary, digital defence finance. She has published more than thirty articles and received awards for contributions on teaching and research. She teaches Bank Management in the master program and Behavioural Finance in the bachelor program. She also provides consulting services for financial regulators and corporations. She served as vice dean of College of International Students (CIS) in 2021-2023. Currently she is vice dean of School of Continuing Education (SCE) and director of Institute for Financial Leasing (IFL) at Southeast University.
Email: yingzhang@seu.edu.cn