王宏,毕业于上海交通大学,获经济学博士学位,之后任教于太阳集团tyc539经济管理学院金融系。博士阶段到现在一直都从事信息、激励与机制设计方面的研究工作,具体研究在不完全信息以及信息分散的条件下,如何通过内生的激励机制设计,使得经济参与人在博弈过程中能自主的显示真实信息,从而减轻信息不对称程度,改善定价效率和价值发现过程,最终实现资源的配置效率。最近开始将该基础性理论工作应用于金融市场微观结构和资产证券化领域,实现不同领域的交叉研究。这可以对如何设计激励相容的交易机制使得证券定价更合理信息揭示更有效率的研究提供全新的视角。目前是英国皇家经济学会会员(Royal Economic Society), 并担任 European Journal of Operational Research、 Journal of Operational Research Society、 Journal of Economics、 Information Economics and Policy、《管理科学学报》等国内外期刊的匿名审稿专家。在European Journal of Operational Research、《管理科学学报》等国内外权威期刊发表论文多篇。
邮 编:211189
Jian Xia Yang, Hongmin Chen, Hong Wang, “Optimal Auction with Competitive Sellers”, 2010. The 10th World Congress of the Econometric Society, Shanghai, China.
Hong Wang, “Contingent Payment Auction Mechanism in Multidimensional Procurement Auctions”, European Journal of Operational Research, 2013, 1(224), 1-11.
Hong Wang, “Design and Analysis for Multi-Unit Online Auctions”, Working Paper, 2014, Under Review.
Hong Wang, “Analysis of Limited Corruption in Multidimensional Procurement Auctions”, Working Paper, 2014, Under Review.
Hong Wang, “Optimal Implicit Collusion in Repeated Procurement Auctions”, Working Paper, 2014, Under Review.
Hong Wang, “Information Acquisition vs. Information Manipulation in Repeated Procurement”, Working Paper, 2014.
Hong Wang, “Deterring Bidder Collusion: Auction Design Complements Antitrust Policy”, Working Paper, 2014.
王宏,陈宏民,杨剑侠,“多维信息招投标中的最优机制及其实施”,《管理科学学报》, 2010年第13期第8卷,第1-14页。
王宏,陈宏民,“拍卖中的合谋与防合谋的机制设计:理论与实证研究的新进展”,《产业经济研究》, 2010年5月第3期,第85-94页。
1. 论文《银行卡产业组织的定价机制分析》在2006年全国首届经济暨工商管理学术论文“精英挑战赛”中获得二等奖。
2. 上海交通大学光华奖学金 上海交通大学优秀毕业生
Links I visit often
Random useful links:
Online thesaurus.
The Comprehensive R Archive Network, CRAN.
The Comprehensive TeX Archive Network - CTAN.
Latex resources - LaTeX project.
Programming language for elementary school age kids, Berkeley Logo.
NC public schools curriculum, which contains tons of material (homeworks, lessons plans). Decent, but not earth-shattering.
Finance journals: The Journal of Finance, The Review of Financial Studies, The Journal of Financial Economics, The Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.
Music links:
BBC Radio 3 streams, alternative site.
The Classical Station, a bit too mainstream for my taste, but decent.
Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research
Alex Tabarrok’s guide to Stata Resources. (Many of the links below are taken from this)
Resources to Help you Learn and Use Stata, by UCLA Academic Techonology Services.
UCLA’s “Stata Starter Kit”. Good place for beginners to start.
German Rodriguez’s free Stata Tutorial. A good place to start for the basics.
“Two Page Stata” — a two page “cheat sheet” of essential Stata commands.
London School of Economics “Introduction to Stata” course. Detailed class notes by Alexander C. Lembcke.
London School of Economics “Advanced Stata” course. Detailed class notes by Alexander C. Lembcke.
Data Analysis Using Stata, 2nd Edition by Ulrich Kohler and Frauke Kreuter. Google books excerpt available here.
Excellent advice from economists Matthew Gentzkow and Jesse Shapiro on how to write computer code in a language such as Stata is available here. This is what they give to their research assistants to teach them good coding practices. Every economics student should learn how to do this. Modern economic research is mostly about writing computer code.