报告题目 | Factor model and momentum in China A-share market | ||
报告人 | 潘莉博士(北京大学中国经济研究中心) | ||
点评人 | 刘晓星教授(太阳集团tyc539) | 点评人(单位) | 董斌副教授(太阳集团tyc539) |
时间地点 | 2012年12月5日(周三下午14:00) 九龙湖太阳集团tyc5392-201会议室 | ||
报告内容摘要 | |||
The prevalent Fama-French three-factor model can well describe stock returns in major equity markets with the exception of China. Replacing book-to-market ratio with price-to-earnings ratio successfully solves the problem. Abnormal trading volume contains incremental explanatory power for expected returns and constitutes an extra speculative factor. Overall, these findings support that the Fama-French three-factor model is portable, adjustable, and accommodative of new factors. Existing research does not find significant momentum profits in many emerging markets including China. We propose an alternative momentum strategy which groups stocks into return intervals rather than percentiles. We apply the method to the China A-share market and find economically significant momentum profits in weekly returns, but not in monthly returns. The weekly momentum lasts for about 1 year. More than half of the profit is realized in the first 3 weeks. We apply the method to other Asian equity markets and find significant weekly momentum in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand, and Indonesia. These findings suggest that momentum may exist in different formats in different markets. Existence of momentum in a closed equity market like China supports momentum is pervasive in short-term stock returns. | |||
报告人简介 | |||
潘莉(1986~),女,北京大学中国经济研究中心博士候选人(硕博连读)。主要研究方向:资本市场与宏观金融。美国杜克大学(Duke University)访问学者,南京大学数学与应用数学专业本科毕业,以独立或第一作者在《金融研究》杂志发表论文两篇,SSCI论文两篇。曾荣获北京大学“方正”奖学金(2009)、南京大学国家一等奖学金(2005)、美国大学生跨学科建模竞赛(ICM2007)二等奖(Honorable Mention)(2007)和中国大学生数学建模竞赛(MCM2006)全国二等奖(2006) |